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Colloids and Surfaces Group

Why colloids?


It is impossible to think about the contemporary world without thinking in colloids and therefore in colloid chemistry. Colloids have a simple definition: Systems in which there are dispersed particles with length from 1 nm to 1 µm, but this simple definition does not mean that there are few applications, in fact, colloids appear in multiple segments of industry and people’s life, even the foam inside a fire extinguisher belongs to colloid chemistry.


On what relies the importance of colloids?


That is because colloid chemistry has unique thermodynamic and kinetics properties, and this unique properties can be tuned to promote the desired macroscopic effect such as rheological control, stability referred to phase separation and biological activity like osmotic pressure control and drug delivery. 


What do we do?


One of our goals is to develop research on these fundamental aspects of colloidal chemistry, focusing on supramolecular self-assembled systems that depending on the development principles and formulations have great impact on their rheological and thermodynamic properties, which includes formation of gels.

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